Last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle answer was READ A ROAD MAP. Congratulations to the following correct guessers: Tyler Manning, Will Lange, Avery Edison, Jack Tisinger, Mr. Hirner, Ms. Hawks, and Mrs. Schutz
Gaming Club will meet and host the semi-finals and final matches of the Super Smash Tournament tomorrow from 3:30-4:20. Come play games and cheer on your friends!
Geneva Middle School South is holding a “drive” to help the Anderson Humane Center. Together, we can help our furry friends by making a simple donation. See the lists of items to donate on posters around the building or pick one up in the library. Please place your donations in your Teams collection box in the library. The collection runs thru Tuesday, April 18th. Remember, homeless pets need our help too.
Can you believe it's already time for the last Dungeons and Dragons meeting of this school year? Please plan to meet today after school in Ms. Riley's class! We'll wrap up our campaigns and celebrate all our accomplishments!
The Creative Writing Club will meet tomorrow morning at Geneva Middle School North. Please plan to meet in the usual place at 7:40 am. We'll discuss our poetry writing contest for April and celebrate Brooke Lyles' honorable mention in the AAUW writing contest!
The Future of Female Club at Geneva HS is hosting an event for 8th grade girls called Bridging the Gap. This event will take place on Saturday, April 22nd from 9:00am to 2:00pm. Bridging the Gap allows incoming freshman girls to tour the school, meet high school mentors and play fun mini games. Students can sign up via a link sent to their parents’ email or pick up a flyer in the main office.
From the Sports Desk:
Last Wednesday, the Geneva South track team traveled to Aurora to square off against conference rivals Jefferson and Jewel in the first meet of the season. The Vikings charged out of the blocks as Evie Oliva and Noah Kettlewell both took first place in the hurdles. Over two frigid hours later, the boys 1600 meter relay team won the final event of the day. In between, Viking performances were as strong as the wind that whipped across the track. Alyssa Flotte won the 100 meter dash, Emelia Bellino won the mile and Tara Manafi outthrew the competition in the shot put. For the boys, Peyton Wozniak dominated both the long and triple jumps, Bennett Konkey took first place in the 100, 200 and 400 meter runs and Parsa Manafi turned in a strong performance in the mile.
Next up for the Vikings—Thursday at home versus St. Charles Thompson