Attention all Superheroes….Read Across America Week continues! Sport your favorite team gear tomorrow to celebrate Read for Logic & Strategy day. Join us in the library at lunch for some board game fun.
7th and 8th graders! Coming up next week is an outing JUST FOR YOU! On Friday, March 13th, all 7th and 8th graders are invited to go to Lazer X from 3:30 – 7:00. It’s only $20 per person and permission slips are available in the office.
Chess Club will meet this Thursday after school from 3-4 in the GMS South library! Come join us after school until 4:25 for some chess! Students need a ride or to hop on the activity bus after we meet!
Science Club also meets on Thursday after school in Mr. Duber’s classroom 154. Topic this week is “Avoiding Pasta Car Accidents.”
From the Sports Desk
Boys interested in competitive volleyball, the program is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys at South and begins on March 16. You must have a physical on file, be registered online, and pay the participation fee. See the main office if you have questions.
7th/8th grade boys’ and girls’ track and field begins March 16. You must have a current physical on file and be registered online to participate.