Viking Gamer Club will be meeting upstairs on Monday (3/16) from 3:30-5:30. Remember that this meeting will be the Super Smash Bros. Tournament, and if you have not signed up with Mr. Rhea make sure to send him an email.
Do you have old pairs of glasses with prescriptions that don’t work anymore, empty ink cartridges that you don’t know what do to with, or old cell phones cluttering up a drawer? Good news! Leo’s Club is collecting ALL those things! You can bring them to the main office
From the Sports Desk
The 8th grade A girls’ basketball team went up against Batavia in the semi-finals of the conference tournament. The Vikings played hard but came up a couple of baskets short. Coach Thill and Coach Gates want to thank you for all your hard work.
As always, the 7th grade A team battled to the final whistle to cap a phenomenal season. Adelaide Evans was a monster on the boards, but the girls couldn't pull through against Batavia. Big congratulations to Elle Larson, Kaitlyn Sprague, Adelaide Evans, Mekdes Geary, Bridgett Hecker, Sophia Broderick, and Lillian Hallahan on making the Final 4 and a terrific season. Way to go girls!
Boys interested in competitive volleyball, the program is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys at South and begins on Monday. You must have a physical on file, be registered online, and pay the participation fee. See the main office if you have questions.
7th/8th grade boys’ and girls’ Track and Field begins Monday. You must have a current physical on file and be registered online to participate.