Last week’s library puzzle of the week winners were Vivian Flaks, Andrew Lee, Bella DiGiovanni, Isabella Kish, Finley Miller, and teachers Mrs. Benhart and Mrs. Asencio. Congratulations everyone! You can pick up your prize in the library.
Do you enjoy helping others? Leo’s Club is for you! You will develop your leadership skills and experience great teamwork and collaboration, all while making new friends and experiencing the gift of giving back to your community. The first meeting for “A” day students is tomorrow after school and for "B" day students is Thursday after school, until 4:15 in Ms. Beyer’s room 223.
Art Club is back! This year there is an “A” day and “B” day Art club. All students are invited. You'll get to design your own Art projects and put on a virtual Art show. Permission slips are due by this Friday and are available in the Main office or in the Art room.
This Friday is Movie Night for the “B” students, so be sure to stay after school to watch the new Mulan move. It’s free admission, and there will be snacks for purchase, so bring a little money for that!