Attention all 8th grade basketball players: If you are interested playing in the staff basketball game on Friday the 22nd, please see Mrs. Benhart or Mrs. Fedor for a permission slip.
Join the Conservation Clubs from North and South to compete against other schools in the Battle of the Brush Piles this weekend, Saturday, March 16th. Winning teams remove the most invasive plants from a Geneva Forest Preserve. Check your email for more information from your science teacher.
The next LEO's meeting will be this coming Monday, March 18 from 3:25-4:25. Meet in Ms. Beyer’s room 223.
Viking Gamer Club is meeting before Spring Break on Thursday from 3:30-4:20. Come play some of your favorite games with your friends, and get some practice rounds in for the upcoming tournament!
The last Dungeons and Dragons meeting of the school year will be on Wednesday, March 20th, after school in Ms. Riley's room. Please plan to join us for a campaign!