Mrs. Abshire’s 6th grade girls’ lunch group will not meet today. Instead, the 6th grade girls’ lunch group will meet on Thursday.
Please join us for A Night of the Arts TONIGHT right here in the GMSS library from 6-7 pm. This event includes our Spring Art Club Art Show, performances by our very own Viking Voices and Fiddle Club, some yummy snacks from the 8th-grade culinary students, and even a preview of the Book Fair! Hope to see you there!!
Math club meets this Thursday after school until 4:20 at North in room 122. Join us for a snack and a fun math activity.
Attention all 8th grade athletes: If you are interested playing in the staff basketball game on Friday the 22nd, please see Mrs. Benhart or Mrs. Fedor for a permission slip.
Viking Gamer Club is meeting before Spring Break on Thursday from 3:30-4:20. Come play some of your favorite games with your friends, and get some practice rounds in for the upcoming tournament!
The last Dungeons and Dragons meeting of the school year will be tomorrow, March 20th, after school in Ms. Riley's room. Please plan to join us for a campaign!
Happy Book Fair Week! Set some reading goals. Students get a free piece of Portillo's cake with the purchase of a book while supplies last. One per student. You also get a raffle ticket for every dollar you spend. Round up your purchase or donate a dollar for a sucker and a chance to win prizes and get more raffle tickets. Money earned from the sucker roundup benefits language arts teacher classroom libraries.
Don't miss our next Science Club meeting after school today. We will be meeting after school until 4:20 at South in room 174. Join us as we engineer using hydraulics.
Enjoy playing basketball? Join FCA Basketball for connection & a devotion, as well as competitive scrimmage tomorrow morning at North in the Blue Gym. All are welcome! Doors open at 7:15am.