Recognition, Awards, Presentations, and Public Hearings
Williamsburg Elementary School Principal Dr. Julie Dye presented the Viking Leaders Award to 3rd, 4th and 5th graders who are members of the school’s Student Leadership Team led by Student Assistance Coordinator Julie Klemm, School Social Worker Kim Holstein, Learning Behavioral Specialist (LBS) Teacher Katie Alling, and LBS Teacher Kaitlyn Gabric. Dr. Dye explained that SLT members take leadership roles in a variety of areas of the school, and the following SLT members spoke to the BOE about their experiences:
Blake DiOrio (5th Grade) - Building Culture Committee Student Representative
Jasmine Knight (5th Grade) - Building Culture Committee Student Representative
Emma Prakash (5th Grade) - Building Culture Committee Student Representative
Emmett McGregor (4th Grade) - Buddy Bench Leader
Wes Sagan (3rd Grade) - Student Leadership Team Ambassador
Josiah Hennessey (4th Grade) - Teacher Supply Closet Leader
Tinley Newcomb (4th Grade) - Kindergarten Bus Buddy Leader
Assistant Superintendent for Business Services Todd Latham and Assistant Director for Transportation Matt Johnson presented the FY25 Preliminary Transportation Budget. The FY 25 budget is proposed $4.9 million in revenue and $6.15 million in expenditures.
View the presentation.
Superintendent's Report
Dr. Barrett shared some of the work currently in process in the district including the Returning Student Verification residency requirement. He talked about the Class Size Committee and their preliminary recommendations to reduce the size of classes for elementary schools. At the middle schools, planning is ongoing to adjust to declining enrollment. At the high school, they are looking at FTEs and working to develop a master schedule. He went on to discuss the ongoing demographic study. Finally, he updated the BOE on the Strategic Planning Process by sharing the draft of the Mission, Vision, and the four Critical Goal Areas that have been identified that include: Enrollment & Staffing, Career and College Pathways, Cultural Competencies, and Community Engagement.
Board Dialogue Topics & Pending Action Considerations
The Board approved the Resolution to Dismiss Support Staff and the Resolution to Dismiss Certified Staff. The Board approved the Resolution Authorizing Intervention In Proceedings Before the State of Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board.
Work-Study Topics & Future Action Considerations
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Dr. Adam Law presented the 2024-25 Recommended Staffing Plan.
Assistant Superintendent for Learning and Teaching Shonette Sims presented the 2024-25 Textbook and Resource Review for the high school. Textbooks in subjects of English, Human Geography, Health, French, and Spanish, are available for public viewing at the Coultrap Educational Service Center until May 9, 2024.
The Board discussed the Board Meeting Schedule.
Board Member Comments
One Board member said they are looking forward to seeing spring sports. They wished the high school Virtual Enterprises International (VEI) team good luck and said it was interesting to learn about the Batavia School District Board of Education that the Board had a chance to meet.
Board members wished students good luck with their standardized testing. Several Board members thanked the organizations for their donations. One member mentioned attending the Communications Task Force meeting and gave an update on the recent change to a weekly parent email communication and commented that the results data presented about the District Digest was very good. They talked about how text communication would be available for schools to use to communicate with parents.
They suggested everyone see the high school production of Mama Mia, which is April 18, 19 and 20. Another member said they were so impressed by the students who won the Viking Leadership Award and how eloquently they spoke. They thanked the support systems – teachers and families – who support the students. They commented on spring sports – the girls JV soccer team is looking impressive, and the middle school track season is beginning. They also talked about the Communications Task Force and how the group can contribute to defining and working through the Community Engagement target goal in the proposed Strategic Plan.
Another member talked about the music boosters’ recent meeting they attended and reminded all about the upcoming restaurant fundraising nights. They attended a high school PTO meeting and shared the planning that is underway for the upcoming prom. Lastly, a Board member talked about participating in the GSSA negotiation meeting and reflected that it started well and said they are looking forward to continuing discussions.