The answer to last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle in the library was THE ONE AND ONLY IVAN! Congrats to the following correct guessers: Colton Doherty, Clara Colgan, Kay Reed, Aaron Grabowski, Mrs. Jasso, Mr. Lane, and Mr. Pool.
Social Studies Club will meet today after school until 4:20 in Mr. Fader's room. We'll be working to prepare for Veterans Day.
Do you have a lot of extra candy leftover from Halloween? More than you can eat? LEO's Club is collecting extra Halloween candy to send to Troops through an organization called Treats for Troops. Boxes are in the team centers for candy collection.
Writing Tutoring will begin next Monday, November 13th and will be held every Monday and Thursday before school starting at 7:45am and after school until 4:20. Writing Tutoring is open to everyone!
The next LEO's Club meeting is today. We will discuss the Lions Pancake Breakfast with Santa. PLEASE BRING ALL RAFFLE TICKETS AND MONEY TO Ms. Beyer.
Don’t forget the iPanic Escape Room will be next week on Thursday, November 16th after school. A lot of kids went to this last year and had a blast! This event is for both North and South, so grab all your friends and sign up. Permission slips are available in the main office.
Do you have a passion for fashion? Sign up for the fun and new 4-week intramural where we will upcycle old clothes and end in an exciting fashion show! It starts tomorrow, but there’s still time to sign up. Pick up a permission slip in the main office.