This week Thursday is picture retake day during the lunch periods.
All sixth-grade choir students should report to the choir room promptly after school for our combined dress rehearsal. Please bring your backpacks and everything that you need to take home for the evening. Parent pickup is at 5:00 sharp; please make sure that you have a ride arranged to pick you up. See you after school!
The answer to last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle was VIVIAN VAN TASSEL. Congrats to the correct guessers: Matt DeGrazia, Marianne Crowley, Asher Bryant, Ben Bottom, Maylie McGinn, Mrs. Behrens, Mrs. Hollis and Ms. Krahulec. Pick up your prize in the library.
As you know, Red Ribbon Week is this week. Please join in on the fun which includes door decorating and the food drive. Tomorrow is Tourist Day, so dress like the tackiest tourist you can put together, and keep bringing in those food items!
Do you have a passion for fashion? Sign up for the fun and new 4-week intramural where we will upcycle old clothes and end in an exciting fashion show! Starts Tuesday, November 7th. Pick up a permission slip in the main office.
The first meeting of the yearbook staff is today after school until 4:25 in Mr. Sempsrott's room 113. Students who have an interest in graphic design and photography are welcome! Please see Mr. Sempsrott if you have questions or cannot attend the first meeting.
The first day of Variety Show auditions will take place today after school until 4:25 – please meet outside the Choir Room. You can still sign up in the Main Office or just show up. Open to all grade levels. See or email Mr. Japlon in 7 Blue with any questions.
The next Dungeons and Dragons meeting will be today after school. Please remember your character sheets and dice if you have them and plan to meet in Ms. Riley's room after school.
Conservation Club's meeting date with Mrs. Brady has been moved to tomorrow instead of Wednesday. We will be discussing opportunities to help in a local Pumpkin Smash and Battle of the Brush to remove invasive species from a local forest preserve. Geneva High School won last year, and we think the middle schoolers can go head-to-head with them! The meeting will be at North in room 121 until 4:20 PM. Anyone can come to these meetings and get involved!
Gaming Club returns just in time for Halloween! Come play some games with a spooky vibe on Thursday from 3:30-4:20.