The answer to last week’s Wheel of Fortune library puzzle was SPOOKY SCARY BOOKS. Congratulations to the correct guessers: Millie Bratslavsky, Mable Jackson, Neve McGuire, Sadie Johnson, John Hawkinson, Mr. Sempsrott, Mr. Rogers and Mr. Ellibee. You can pick up your prize in the library!
Please join Ms. Mack for a “Halloween Cook-tacular” on October 24th or 26th in the FACS room. Students will only sign up for one of the dates. You will be cooking fall themed foods like pumpkin bread and spider cookies! The cost is $10 and permission slips can be picked up in the main office.
Don't miss the next Science Club meeting after school today in room 174 here at South until 4:25. We will be doing some Halloween themed experiments. It is going to be dynamite!
Math club meets this Thursday after school in room 122 at North. Join us for a fun math game and a snack.
The first meeting of the 2023/2024 GMSS yearbook staff will be held Monday, October 23rd after school until 4:25 in Mr. Sempsrott's room 113 in the 8 White team center. Students who have an interest in graphic design and photography are welcome! Please see Mr. Sempsrott if you have questions or cannot attend the first meeting.
FCA Basketball will meet tomorrow at 7:15am, for a character devotion and competitive scrimmage in North's Blue Gym. Enter through the North gym doors.
Spooky Scattegories in the library today at lunch. Stop by and get a pass if you need one.
It's that time of the year again - the Variety Show will be here before you know it. If you can sing, dance, play an instrument, act, or just love to be on stage, then this is the show for you! Open to all grade levels - auditions take place next week. Sign up in the Main Office for an Audition Time. See Mr. Japlon in 7 Blue with any questions.
From the Drama Desk: Come see the sixth-grade play Twice Upon a Time Friday or Saturday night at 7 pm. Tickets are $5 for adults and free for students. Here are some cast shoutouts. Asher Bryant and Asher Mursau set the stage on fire last night with their passionate performances. Kate "Wonder"-Foley brightened the cafeteria with her amazing game show host persona. And Zoey "Why-you-talkin-to-me" Weilandt brought her part to life with humor and attitude. Break a leg this weekend!