The last day of Red Ribbon Week is tomorrow and it’s Jersey Day! Also, we only have one more day to bring in those much-needed items for the food drive. Last year 6000 items were donated. Can we beat that this year? I think we still can, but we still need a lot of food!!
Today is picture retake day during the lunch periods. If you missed picture day or if you need to have your picture taken again, please do so during lunch periods today.
Chess Club will meet today after school in the library at North until 4:20.
Do you have a passion for fashion? Sign up for the fun and new 4-week intramural where we will upcycle old clothes and end in an exciting fashion show! Starts Tuesday, November 7th. Pick up a permission slip in the main office.
Gaming Club returns just in time for Halloween! Come play some games with a spooky vibe today from 3:30-4:20.
Ms. Marks' Fall Art Club would like to invite you to join them for their Fall Art Show. Stop by tonight from 5:30-6:30 in the GMSS library to see all their amazing artwork. Awards will be posted at the show so stop by to see who will receive an award! Hope to see you all there!
The next FCA meeting is tomorrow morning at 7:45am at South. Please join us for faith, fun, fellowship and donuts. We hope to see you there!
Plan on attending Tech & Treat in the library on October 31st during lunches! Kylie will be here from the public library to show you how to use Geneva Public Library’s digital resources. Already know how to use them? Come help people who don’t! Don't forget to bring your school device and your public library card and pin #.
Dungeons and Dragons will meet on Monday after school in Ms. Riley's room. We'll continue the campaigns we started at our last meeting. Hope to see you there!
Join us for the next Creative Writing Club meeting next Tuesday before school in Ms. Riley's room! We'll plan to meet at 7:40 am. There will be time for a Halloween treat and to share your thrillers, mysteries, and spooky stories.
Today is the final day to audition for this year's Variety Show! Open to all grade levels - come be part of one of the most entertaining shows of the year! You can sign up in the Main Office or show up after school in the Choir Room. See or email Mr. Japlon in 7 Blue with any questions.