Happy Halloween!
Please note, there will be no after school Math tutoring today.
There’s a seriously cool new intramural coming up and you DO NOT want to miss it! It’s the iPanic Escape Room and it will be on Thursday, November 16th after school. This event is for both North and South, so grab all your friends and sign up. Permission slips are available in the main office.
Do you have a passion for fashion? Sign up for the fun and new 4-week intramural where we will upcycle old clothes and end in an exciting fashion show! Starts Tuesday, November 7th. Pick up a permission slip in the main office.
Plan on attending Tech & Treat in the library today during lunches! Kylie will be here from the public library to show you how to use Geneva Public Library’s digital resources. Do you already know how to use them? Come help people who don’t! Don't forget to bring your school device and your public library card and pin #.
Did you know throwing pumpkins away in the trash emits methane gas which is 25% more harmful to our environment than carbon dioxide? Instead of throwing your pumpkins in the garbage, please bring carved or uncarved pumpkins, to the corner of Bricher and Peck on November 4th from 10-12 for a Pumpkin Smash and help the Conservation Club, the park district and Geneva's Natural Resources Committee create a rich fertilizer for the community gardens.
The next gaming club meeting is Thursday from 3:30-4:20. Come play video games with all your friends!
FCA Basketball will meet tomorrow at 7:15am for a character devotion and competitive scrimmage in North’s Blue Gym. All are welcome to join.
Math club meets this Thursday after school in Room 122 at North. Join us for a fun round of math basketball and a snack.
From the Sports Desk:
The 7th grade boys’ A basketball team had a convincing win over Aurora Jefferson last night. Every player scored in the game!
The seventh grade B team proved to be too much for the visiting Aurora Jefferson squad, winning by a score of 66-9. Cutler Randa led all scorers with 16 points, with Reid Krempin contributing 10 points to the winning effort. Both teams play next Tuesday away against Aurora Jewel.
In Varsity Wrestling, your Vikings brought their tricks, while Thompson Thunder was expecting treats yesterday. The varsity group was frightfully close to a defeat but ended up winning with some petrifying pin combinations in 8 of their matchups.
In Junior Varsity wrestling, the Vikings put together a haunting performance, winning 9 matches. Some monstrous moves were put together, and the Vikings brought home a win. Look to see your Vikings put on a display this Thursday at South against Herget.
Have a great day and be safe out there tonight!