As you know, Red Ribbon Week is next week. To start off the week, Monday is WEAR RED DAY!
The annual Red Ribbon Week Food Drive starts this Monday and runs through Friday, October 27th. The Team that collects the most items (Ramen noodles not counted please) will win the Food Drive trophy, donuts for the entire team, and bragging rights. See posters throughout the building for what items are needed and bring items to your team center. Last year we had over 6,000 items donated. Can we beat that amount? Thank you for helping take care of our community and neighbors.
The first meeting of the yearbook staff will be Monday, October 23rd after school until 4:25 in Mr. Sempsrott's room 113. Students who have an interest in graphic design and photography are welcome! Please see Mr. Sempsrott if you have questions or cannot attend the first meeting.
It's that time of the year again - the Variety Show will be here before you know it. If you can sing, dance, play an instrument, act, or just love to be on stage, then this is the show for you! Open to all grade levels - auditions take place next week Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Sign up in the Main Office for an audition time. See Mr. Japlon in 7 Blue with any questions.
The next Dungeons and Dragons meeting will be on Monday after school. Please remember your character sheets and dice if you have them and plan to meet in Ms. Riley's room after school.
There is a special after-school meeting today for Creative Writing and Dungeons and Dragons Club with author Michael Witwer. Please meet in the library book nook after school on Friday.
Conservation Club's meeting date with Mrs. Brady has been moved to Tuesday, October 24th instead of Wednesday, October 25th. We will be discussing opportunities to help in a local Pumpkin Smash and Battle of the Brush to remove invasive species from a local forest preserve. Geneva High School won last year, and we think the middle schoolers can go head-to-head with them! The meeting will be at North in room 121 until 4:20 PM. Anyone can come to these meetings and get involved!
Gaming Club returns just in time for Halloween! Come play some games with a spooky vibe on Thursday from 3:30-4:20.
See the sixth-grade play tonight or tomorrow night at 7 pm. Tickets are free for students.
-Alannah "next-on-Broadway" Nee plays the starring role as a hilarious Grandma telling wacky fairytales to her grandkids.
-The show also includes the amazing Eva Donat as Goldilocks; she was the only person who was "just right" for the role.
-Aubrey Cannon is phenomenal as Little Red Riding Pants.
-Lucie Tormey, Devon Ost, Divya Vispute, and Ellyson Deniz all play dwarves who live together - that's not weird - it just makes sense, they all have beards
-And Elle "Balloon Master" Bischof rounds out the cast with her great sense of timing.