Attention 8th grade students, you will turn in your computer and charger next week. All decorative stickers must be off before the end of this week. Only the district name and barcode stickers should be left on. If you need assistance with this, please see the tech office. Your yearbook will be held if you do not turn in a device, or if your device still has decorative stickers on it.
All library books are due tomorrow, May 17th. Lost and damaged books should be paid for in the library before your yearbook can be distributed to you.
A note from Mrs. Michelson in the health office: if you have an ice pack, please return it today. Thanks!
Attention all gamers - the final gaming club meeting will be today from 3:30-4:20. The club will take over the entire library, so come and play games, level up, and beat some bosses with your friends and celebrate the end of the school year!
Don't miss the last Science Club meeting of the year today. The meeting is after school until 4:25 in Mrs. Bruno's room 221 at South. Let the good times roll!!
Conservation Club members don't miss our last meeting tomorrow after school until 4:25. We will be meeting in Mrs. Bruno's room 221 to celebrate our first year and come up with some plans for next year. Don't miss it!
FCA Basketball will meet tomorrow morning in the North Blue Gym. All are welcome to join. Doors open at 7am. Join by 7:15am for a morning devotion and scrimmage.
LEOs Club final meeting will be tomorrow from 3:25 to 4:25 in Ms. Beyer's room. Come celebrate all that we accomplished and have some pizza too. Please check your email from Ms. Beyer for more information.
As we continue to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month, please join us on the front sidewalk during lunch periods today (after you eat lunch) to Chalk the Walk with positive messages.