The answer to last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle in the library was IN A GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY. Congrats to the correct guessers: Sean Geraghty, Eidan Rivera, Lucas Osmondson, Noah Bardelas, Ellie Learned, Mrs. Spring, Mr. Ellibee and Mr. Sempsrott.
Coming up on May 16th is the Student/Faculty basketball game. Any 8th grader with a physical on file can play. Don’t want to play? Maybe you can be a team manager. If you’re interested in playing or managing, get a permission slip from Mrs. Fedor in the library.
Gaming Club will be meeting from 3:30-4:20 tomorrow. Come enjoy some video games with your friends before the year ends!
Join us for this year's last Creative Writing Club meeting! We will meet Thursday morning before school in Ms. Riley's room at South. Hope to see you there!
From the Sports Desk:
On Friday, the track team traveled to St. Charles East High School for the annual running of the Wohlhuter Invitational and walked away with three 3rd place awards—boys overall, girls overall and combined overall. The Viking girls were led by Alyssa Flotte, Teagan Lee, Harper Kobbeman and Tara Manafi.
For the boys, it was a record-breaking night. Bennett Konkey broke the 200-meter record and both he and Parsa Manafi outran the 400-meter record. At the end of the night, Konkey and Manafi combined with Noah Rosser and Cameron Schmidt to top the 4x400 meter record that has stood since 1987.
Reminder to the track team—today is the team pizza party. Pick up is at 4:20.