Geneva School District 304 News Article


The library will be closed today during periods 2, 6, 7 and 8.  Teachers, please don’t send students down to the library during those periods. 


The answer to last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle in the library is WE COME IN PEACE. Congrats to the following correct guessers: Matt DeGrazia, Grayson Snider, Macy Sabo, Dahlia Brady, Connor Lee, Ms. Poppen, Mrs. Rolf and Mrs. Behrens.


There are two new intramurals coming up!

  1. Dungeons and Dragons with Ms. Riley!  The first meeting is Monday, September 18th after school in Ms. Riley's room 263.  New and experienced players are welcome!  
  2. Conservation club with Mrs. Brady!  The first meeting is Wednesday, September 27th after school in Mrs. Brady's room 261.  Great opportunity to meet new people as well as help the community and the earth! 

No need to sign up or get a permission slip.   


Attention all gamers - Thursday is the final day to turn in your Viking Gamer Club sign-up forms.  You can pick up a form from Mr. Rhea or from the main office!



Attention 7th and 8th graders:  Do you play piano, guitar, or bass and have an interest in playing Jazz music?  Consider joining the GMS South Jazz Band.  Simply stop by the band room on your way to lunch anytime in the next week and let Mr. Flaks know that you are interested to get more information.       


Hello artists! Don't forget that today is our first meeting of Art Club after school. Please be sure to arrange your ride home after our meeting at 4:20!

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