The answer to the Wheel of Fortune puzzle in the library before winter break was BUDDY THE ELF. Congrats to all the correct guessers: Ashley Jones, Isaiah Haar, Colton Doherty, Bella Knott, Lucas Osmondson, Mrs. Rolf, Mr. Ellibee and Mrs. Poppen. You can pick up your prize in the library.
Auditions for the 7th & 8th grade musical, Aladdin Jr, will take place tomorrow & Thursday. Please sign up in the main office and pick up an audition packet. See Ms. Krahulec in 7B team center with any questions!
The Bowling Intramural is coming up on Tuesday, January 30th! You don’t have to be good at bowling to participate! So, sign up with some friends from North and South for some fun bowling and snacks. The cost is only $60 for 6 weeks and permission slips are in the main office.
Attention all talented dancers! Tryouts for the Geneva Middle School Dance team will take place today and tomorrow in the North fitness room. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Mattson or pick up an informational sheet in the main office. You must have a physical on file and sign up on 8to18.
Attention all 7th and 8th grade girls’ basketball players. Girls’ tryouts will be held today, tomorrow and Wednesday after school. All girls interested in trying out need to complete registration on 8to18 and have a current physical on file.
Viking Gamer Club is back from the holidays! The next meeting will be in our normal location from 3:30-4:20 on Thursday. Come catch up with friends and share the new games you've been playing at home!
The Conservation Club also wants to remind you to recycle markers, pens, mechanical pencils, and empty glue sticks in the small green or blue recycling bins in each team center. Due to recycling efforts last year, the club was able to redeem points earned to help fund charitable events like providing drinking water to people in need and protecting an acre of rainforest.
What do Jolly Ranchers wrappers, Blow-pop wrappers, pencil shavings, and Kleenex all have in common? They are all items that should go in the trash, not the recycling bin. To help guide you, the Conservation Club put signs in each classroom to promote the correct disposal of recycling and trash items. Thanks for your help!