Chess Club will meet tomorrow after school in the South library until 4:20. We'll be starting a new bracket tournament, so this is a great time to try it out if you've never attended!
Auditions for the 7th & 8th grade musical, Aladdin Jr, will take place on Thursday – it’s not too late! Please sign up in the main office and pick up an audition packet. See Ms. Krahulec in 7B team center with any questions!
The Bowling Intramural is coming up on Tuesday, January 30th! You don’t have to be good at bowling to participate! So, sign up with some friends from North and South for some fun bowling and snacks. The cost is only $60 for 6 weeks and permission slips are in the main office.
Viking Gamer Club is back from the holidays! The next meeting will be in our normal location from 3:30-4:20 tomorrow. Come catch up with friends and share the new games you've been playing at home!
Student Council will be selling hot chocolate on Fridays this month, beginning this Friday, in the morning before school. Only $1 per cup! What a great way to start the day!