Today at Lunch in the Library we are making holiday and winter origami bookmarks! If you need to get a pass to get a lunch, stop by the library desk!
Math club meets today after school until 4:20 in Mrs. Gain's room at North (room 122). Please join us for a snack and a fun math activity.
‘Tis the season for gaming! Viking Gamer Club meets again today from 3:30-4:20. Come check out some new Mario games with your friends, compete and get a 'W' in Fortnite, or play some of the other games available!
Would you like to put your wits and knowledge to the test against students from other schools with a team of GMSS students? If your answer was yes, Scholastic Bowl might be for you! The next info meeting has been scheduled for after school on Monday until 4:20 in Mr. Friend's room 124. See you there!
Attention all talented dancers! Tryouts for the Geneva Middle School Dance team will take place on January 8th and 9th in the North fitness room. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Mattson.
FCA will meet tomorrow at South. Please join us for Faith, Fellowship, and donuts.
The next meeting of the Creative Writing Club will be at South on Tuesday. Please join us for our poetry contest and winter celebration before school in Ms. Riley's room!
As you start decorating for the holidays, please don't throw broken and nonfunctional strands of lights in the garbage. Instead, bring them to school to be recycled. There will be drop boxes in each team center until December 20th.
Do you have an extra coat in your closet? From now until this coming Monday, GMSS will be collecting new or gently used, CLEAN, coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and mittens. Collection boxes are in the front entrance.
Students & Staff, student council's book & toy drive for the kids at Lutheran General Hospital is ongoing through Friday, December 15th! Won't you join us? Bring a new and unwrapped book or toy to the collection box in your team center and help a child with a serious illness have a wonderful holiday!