The Bowling Intramural is coming up on Tuesday, January 30th! You don’t have to be good at bowling to participate! So, sign up with some friends from North and South for some fun bowling and snacks. The cost is only $60 for 6 weeks and permission slips are in the main office.
Attention all talented dancers! Tryouts for the Geneva Middle School Dance team will take place right after break on January 8th and 9th in the North fitness room. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Mattson.
Viking Gamer Club is meeting Thursday from 3:30-4:30. Come play some great video games with your friends. Remember, you can sign up for the Practice Super Smash Bros. Tournament by checking your email for the sign-up form.
As you decorate for the holidays, please don't throw broken and nonfunctional strands of lights in the garbage. Instead, bring them to school to be recycled. There will be drop boxes in each team center until December 20th.
Students & Staff, student council's book & toy drive for the kids at Lutheran General Hospital is ongoing through this Friday, December 15th! Won't you join us? Bring a new and unwrapped book or toy to the collection box in your team center and help a child with a serious illness have a wonderful holiday!
From the Sports Desk:
The 7th grade Geneva South A team lost to Geneva North last night while the B Team won. The A team ends its regular season with a 9-3 record while the B team carries an undefeated 9-0 record into the tournament next week.