Looking for something to do this weekend, for free, and it's entertaining? Then come see the Variety Show at 7pm both Friday and Saturday nights here at South!
The next LEO's club meeting will be this coming Monday, December 4 from 3:25 to 4:25 in Beyer's room.
It's that time of year again. Time to investigate non-Newtonian fluids in Science Club. Get ready for a mess at our meeting after school on Tuesday December 5th. It will be at North in Mrs. Bruno's room 121 and runs until 4:25. Don't miss it!
As you start decorating for the holidays, please don't throw broken and nonfunctional strands of lights in the garbage. Instead, bring them to school to be recycled. There will be drop boxes in each team center until December 20th.
Do you have an extra coat in your closet? From now until December 11th, GMSS will be collecting new or gently used, CLEAN, coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and mittens. Collection boxes are in the front entrance.
Social Studies Club will meet in Mr. Fader’s room on Monday until 4:20pm.
Students & Staff, student council's book & toy drive for the kids at Lutheran General Hospital is ongoing through Friday, December 15th! Won't you join us? Bring a new and unwrapped book or toy to the collection box in your team center and help a child with a serious illness have a wonderful holiday!
From the Sports Desk:
It was a clean sweep for the 8th grade boys’ basketball team last night. Henry Winterhalter, aka Steve Young was firing assists down the basketball court, and Josh Rudigier had a monster game.