6th graders don’t forget that tomorrow is a Jivin’ Geneva. Plan to stay after school with your friends and have some fun doing karaoke!
Fridays will be your favorites the next three weeks! Student council is selling hot chocolate before school! Put your dollar in your backpack tonight so you don’t forget!
Gaming Club is meeting is cancelled for today. Our next meeting will be on January 25th. Make sure to stay frosty for some future games together!
Math club meets today until 4:20 at North in room 122. Join us for a snack and a fun math game.
Our next FCA meeting will be this Friday. We will meet at South at 7:45. Please join us for Faith, Fellowship, and Friends.
The next Creative Writing Club meeting is coming up on Tuesday, January 23rd! We will meet at North at 7:40 am in the conference room across from the office. Bring your contest submission if you have one! Looking forward to seeing you there!
The GMSS Bowling League will start on Tuesday, January 30th! You don’t have to be good at bowling to participate! So, sign up with some friends from North and South for some fun bowling and snacks. The cost is only $60 for 6 weeks and permission slips are in the main office.
The Snack Attack intramural is back and better than ever! This year’s attack will be on Tuesday, February 13th, and it’s only $10. Permission slips are available in the main office. Sign up soon because this one fills up fast!