Chess Club will be competing against Thompson today after school in the North library. If you love chess but haven’t been to a meeting yet, you’re still welcome to compete. See you there!
Are you ready for some March Madness? FCA is hosting a 3 on 3 basketball tournament after school at North on Friday, March 8th. If you would like to play in this tournament, please pick up a form in the office or stop by Ms. Beyer's room, room 223. You will need to put together a team of 3 to 5 players. All teams must wear matching t-shirts and the cost is $5 per player. All proceeds will be going to Phil's Friends, a charity that supports local cancer patients. A few high school students will be leading a short devotion before the tournament begins. Sign up ends February 29th. We hope you can join us.
The next meeting of the Creative Writing Club will be next Tuesday morning at South. Please plan to meet in Ms. Riley's room and don't forget your art supplies! We'll be working on graphic novels and screenplays! Hope to see you there!