Math club starts today after school until 4:20 in room 122 at North. Join us for a fun opening game of math basketball and a snack. Please arrange for your ride to pick you up at 4:20 or take the activity bus.
7th and 8th graders, Jivin Geneva is this Friday, September 22nd from after school until 5:00. Be sure you have a ride home or plan to take the activity bus.
Attention Gamers! The first Viking Gamer Club Meeting will take place today upstairs in Mr. Rhea's room from 3:30-4:20. Please make sure you have a ride organized and come ready to kick off the year with some epic video games!
Do you have school spirit? Yes, we do! If you are interested in trying out for cheer, please fill out the interest form during lunch time! Email Ms. Parisi if you have questions.
Attention all 6th graders! Are you interested in helping behind the scenes of the 6th Grade Play Twice Upon a Time? If you want to help design sets and costumes, control the lights, sound, or curtain during the show, then sign up in the main office or 6B team center today! The first Stage Crew Practice will be held today after school in the cafeteria from 3:30 – 4:20. We can’t wait to see you there! Please reach out to Ms. Poppen or Mr. Tatar in 6B with any questions.
Dungeons and Dragons will have its first meeting of the school year Monday, September 25th after school in Ms. Riley's room 263. New and experienced players are welcome!
The next meeting of the Creative Writing Club is coming up! Please plan to join us on Tuesday morning at Geneva Middle School North. We will meet in room 103 across from the main office at 7:40 am.
Mrs. Rolf’s lunch groups are cancelled this week. Viking Alliance group is also cancelled this week.
From the Sports Desk:
It was Thursday Night Lights last week, as the Geneva "not Minnesota" Vikings thrashed through the competition. The girls set the tone early with a terrific 2nd place finish by Lyla Clemons. Alexis Guess, Sophia Held, Julia Jordan, and Vivian Schreiber all posted stellar races of their own. On the boy’s side of the coin, Griffin Poterek continued his hot streak racing to a first place finish for the boys. Gabe Ochsenschlager, Connor McInerney, Will Lange, Theo Silver, and the Tucker brothers, Levi and Cole were awesome! Great job team!