The answer to last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle in the library is Se Habla Espanol. Congrats to the following correct guessers: Paige Dieken, Cami Rechkemmer, Bianca Lapetina, Mr. Ellibee, Mrs. Schutz and Senora Lindahl.
Conservation club with Mrs. Brady is coming up! The first meeting is this Wednesday, September 27th after school in Mrs. Brady's room 261. This is a great opportunity to meet new people as well as help the community and the earth!
No need to sign up or get a permission slip. All are welcome!
There’s a new intramural coming up next month on Thursday, October 12th! It’s Epic Air and permission slips are available in the main office. Don’t miss it!
Dungeons and Dragons will have its first meeting of the school year today after school in Ms. Riley's room 263. New and experienced players are welcome!
The next meeting of the Creative Writing Club is coming up! Please plan to join us tomorrow morning at Geneva Middle School North. We will meet in room 103 across from the main office at 7:40 am.
See You at the Pole, a global day of student prayer, is tomorrow. FCA and any staff or students who would like join, will gather around the North flagpole in the bus circle in the morning to pray for our schools and community. We will meet at 7:45am tomorrow, but if running late, don't hesitate to join us!
Mrs. Rolf’s lunch groups are cancelled this week.
From the Sports Desk:
It was a beautiful day, the sun was beating down, and the South cross-country team was running down a dream over the weekend at the Conference Meet. 5 of the 6 levels finish third for the team races with the Varsity boys finishing second to Batavia by only two points! There were big races all over the course. Lyla Clemons, Riley Dunnett, Lauren Kusak, Griffin Poterek, Alex Hosman, Brady Kling, Noah Rosser, Matthew Bultmann, Jack Hagge, Levi Tucker, Murphy Hall, and Sam Foley all earned top 15 finishes for their races. And a big shout out, to Nate "the open menace" Walkington for his first-place finish in the Boys Open.