Geneva School District 304 News Article



It’s coming…the first GMS Young Adult book club of the year is coming soon!  Join us on Tuesday, 11/13 for pizza and pointed discussion on our 9/11 themed books. See Mrs. Fedor or Mrs. Hollis for details.  Hope to see you there!


This week students, here and across the country, are celebrating National French Week.  Did you know that French is spoken by 300 million people around the world and that it is the official language in 29 countries?  We can thank the French for canned food, braille, hot air balloons, parachutes, bicycles and submarines among other inventions. In honor of French week, say “Bonjour” to someone today!


Student Council is meeting is today after school in the 6W team center.  See you there!

All this week, in honor of upcoming Veteran’s Day, Leo’s Club is having a Care Package collection to support our soldiers. For ideas of what you can donate, look for the posters around school and on the electronic announcements.

If you are interested in being part of the Stage Crew for the Variety Show, please stop by and see Mr. Japlon in room 152 in 7 White.

Veteran's Day Readers - there is a read through of the script today after school until 4:10. Meet Mr. Japlon in room 152 in 7 White.

Wired Crew don’t forget your next meeting is coming up on Thursday!

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