This week is
Teen Read Week which is meant to encourage teens to become regular readers and
library users. The theme this year is, "It's written in the
stars." Today's lunchtime battle has been canceled, but will be
rescheduled. Stay tuned!
Coming soon! Science Club’s first meeting of the year will be on Thursday, October 18th in Mr. Duber’s classroom 154 in the 7W Team Center. The kick-off topic is going to be “Long Run Marble Maze”. All those attending will need to take the 4:30 activity bus home or get a ride home.
Chess Club, your next meeting is tomorrow after school in the library and Art Club, you’ll meet again on Monday October 15th.
Isn’t it amazing how quickly your locker gets cluttered and messy? Well, you’re in luck. This Friday is another Clean Sweep Friday! As you may remember, on Clean Sweep Fridays, you can come to school at 8:10 to clean up your locker.
It’s SOCK-tober and Student council is still needs your help! If you haven’t already brought in a new pair of socks to donate to the less fortunate in our community, there is still plenty of time. And don’t forget, when you drop off your donation, be sure to enter the drawing to win a $20 gift card!
From the Sports Desk:
Attention student athletes: winter sports begin next Monday, October 15. If you would like to try out for boys’ basketball or cheerleading, or join the wrestling team, you must have a current physical on file before that date. If you are unsure if you have a current physical, stop into the main office to double check.
Attention all 7th and 8th grade boys’ basketball players. Basketball tryouts will be held Monday October 15th, Tuesday October 16th, and Thursday October 18th. Tryouts will run until 5:20 each day. All boys wanting to tryout must have a current sports physical on file.
Your 7th grade Vikings football team is
looking to bring home the conference championship trophy tomorrow at 4:30 and they
need your support! The championship game
will be against Yorkville and will be held at North with kick-off starting at
4:30. So come out to cheer them on and be sure to wear your blue on the 11th to
show your school spirit. Bring your
friends, family and your neighbors to root the Vikings on in their quest to
continue their perfect season and bring the trophy home. Be The Hammer!!