Flashback Friday! You know, the staff here at South was in middle
school once, too! Can you guess whose pictures we have up in the
library this week?
Join Leo’s Club at the next meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 as we plan for Red Ribbon Week and beyond. Stop by the office for an informational flyer or see Ms. Beyer in 6 Blue for more information.
Studies club, your first meeting is Tuesday, October 9th in room 112 in the 8W
team center. Bring a friend or two to
help prepare for Civil War Dodgeball vs. North!
Next week’s club meetings include Math Club on Tuesday, October 9th and Chess Club on Thursday,
October 11th.
week's musician in the library is Leonard Bernstein. You probably
recognize him as the composer of the score for the musical West Side Story, but did you
know that he was one of the first American-born conductors
to lead world-class orchestras and was an overnight sensation? To learn more
about Bernstein, come to the library and check out
the listening station! Have a suggestion for a future musician to
feature? See Mrs. Fedor in the library!
Hey Everyone, now that it’s October, don’t forget that it’s also SOCK-tober here at GMSS. Student council is looking for your help in collecting new pairs of socks in any size to donate to the less fortunate in our community. All you have to do is bring in new pairs of socks to the donation bin in the library before or after school. This event will be happening all month long and did I mention that you could win a $20 gift card? That’s right! Bring in your donations and get entered to win!
Students, today is a Choir day.
From the Sports Desk:
Attention student athletes: winter sports begin on Monday, October 15. If you would like to try out for boys’ basketball or cheerleading, or join the wrestling team, you must have a current physical on file before that date. If you are unsure if you have a current physical, stop into the main office to double check. Stay tuned for additional information and lunch sign-ups coming soon.
Your 7th grade Vikings football team has
completed the regular season and are looking to bring home the conference
championship trophy on Thursday October 11th. They need your support and hope that you can attend the game to cheer
for the team. The championship game will
be against Yorkville and will be held at North with kick-off starting at 4:30.
Wear your blue on the 11th to show your school spirit. Bring your friends, family and your neighbors
to root the Vikings on in their quest to continue their perfect season and
bring the trophy home. Be The Hammer!!