This week is Teen Read Week. Its purpose is to encourage teens to become regular readers and library users. The theme this year is, "It's written in the stars." Today's lunchtime events in the library have been canceled; however, they will resume tomorrow with Star Wars Trivia.
Staff, the library pumpkin decorating contest has begun. One of you will win a week off of your scheduled bus duty this winter and, more importantly, a lovely trophy. See Mrs. Fedor if you have questions.
There is still time to sign up for the
GMS Bowling League! The league will meet on Mondays beginning October 15th
through December 10th at St. Charles Bowl. Permission slips are
available in the main office and are due tomorrow.
Attention aspiring authors and recreational writers ~ If you are interested in collaborating with other writers and getting writing feedback from peers who also enjoy the art of writing, consider dropping in on Writer's Club on the 3rd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Come check it out at the first meeting in the GMSS library on Tuesday, October 16th! There will be tips on getting your work published and ways to possibly make some money! Look for posters in the building and listen for more details in the morning announcements.
Studies club, your first meeting is today in room 112 in the 8W team center. Bring a friend or two to help prepare for
Civil War Dodgeball vs. North!
Leo’s Club is meeting today after school in the library to plan for Red Ribbon Week and beyond.
Math Club don’t forget that you are also meeting today after school right here at South in Mr. Gain’s classroom 114.
Club, your next meeting is this Thursday, October 11th.
It’s SOCK-tober and Student council is still needs your help! If you haven’t already brought in a new pair of socks to donate to the less fortunate in our community, there is still plenty of time. And don’t forget, when you drop off your donation, be sure to enter the drawing to win a $20 gift card!
From the Sports Desk:
Attention student athletes: winter sports begin next Monday, October 15. If you would like to try out for boys’ basketball or cheerleading, or join the wrestling team, you must have a current physical on file before that date. If you are unsure if you have a current physical, stop into the main office to double check. Stay tuned for additional information and lunch sign-ups coming soon.
7th and 8th graders if you interested in cheerleading? Please attend the informational meeting today in Mrs. Tomczak’s room 111. Remember, all participants need to have a physical on file before try-outs on October 15th.
Your 7th grade Vikings football team has
completed the regular season and are looking to bring home the conference
championship trophy this Thursday, October 11th. They need your support and hope that you can
attend the game to cheer for the team. The championship game will be against Yorkville and will be held at
North with kick-off starting at 4:30. Wear your blue on the 11th to show your
school spirit. Bring your friends,
family and your neighbors to root the Vikings on in their quest to continue
their perfect season and bring the trophy home. Be The Hammer!!