School pictures are today! Don’t worry if you forgot your picture order form – you can still order pictures online at the HR Imaging website.
Congratulations to the new cast of “Night at the Wax Museum”! If you haven’t seen it yet, the complete cast list is posted across from the main office on the wall. Remember, your first rehearsal is today in Mrs. Surjan’s room 125 from 3:30 – 5:30 – bring your laptops. Please plan on taking the activity bus home or to get picked up at 5:30.
Do you have
creative and innovative ideas to make your school a better place?
Are you looking for opportunities to take on leadership roles? Are you
looking for a new way to get involved at GMSS? Then student council is
the place for you! The first student council informational meeting will
take place on Tuesday, September 4th after school in the library. Student
council is open to all 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. Please see
Ms. Mack or Ms. Dagres if you have any additional questions.
Into anime, manga
and comics? Need a fandom fix? This Sunday, September 2, from
2-3:30 pm, at the Geneva Public Library, we'll discuss our favorite series,
watch clips, make a cosplay craft and enjoy some delicious snacks from Japan!
Registration required.
Hey Everyone – Breakfast is back! Next week Tuesday through Friday is Buy One Get Free, so look for the breakfast cart in the lobby before classes start.
Also, everyone’s favorite – Chicken Bar – starts next week!
Attention all piano,
guitar, bass players, and drummers who have been preparing audition music for
the GMS South Jazz Band. Auditions will
be held before school next week Thursday, September 6th before school in the
band room. Sign up for a time on the
sheet located on the whiteboard in the band room. If you have misplaced your music please see
Mr. Flaks ASAP.
Intramurals will be
starting very soon and all students are invited to participate! The first two programs will be FLAG FOOTBALL
beginning on Monday, September 10th after school and SOFTBALL beginning on
Tuesday, Sept. 11th after school. Permission slips and more information are available in the main office.
This is a great way to make new friends and have fun with your old friends!
From the Sports Desk:
The 8th grade football team opened the season on the road
against Batavia yesterday. Unfortunately, the Vikings came out on the wrong
side of the score by losing 34-2. Despite the score, the defense played
admirably even though they were put in some pretty bad situations.
The 8th grade Vikings next game is home, at North,
against St. Charles Thompson on Wednesday, September 5th.