Attention 8th grade girls. Basketball tryouts will
be on December 17th and 18th. Remember, you MUST have a current physical
on file to before tryouts. If you are
not sure if you have a physical on file, you can check in the main office.
If you are interested in signing up for the Debate intramural, which
begins next week on December 6th, permission slips are due by Tuesday,
December 4th.
Students, if you would like to be on the library advisory board see or email Mrs. Fedor in the library for more information. There is going to be a quick meeting tomorrow before school from 8:00 – 8:20am.
Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color? Please join us for a holiday movie night on Friday, December 7th. Kick back and relax while watching everyone's favorite holiday movie, Elf!
Please meet in the library right after school. Snacks will be available
for purchase during the movie.
Leo’s Club has paired up with the Salvation Army’s Toys for Kids Program, and you can help by purchasing a new toy for a child in need and placing it, unwrapped, in the donation box in the office.
Are you creative and do you love to bake? Form a team of 4-5
people and sign up in the main office for a gingerbread house decorating
contest on Tuesday, December 11th! The cost is $10 per team. If you
have any questions, please see Ms. Mack or Ms. Dagres.
There is rehearsal for the Variety Show after school in the cafeteria until 4:30. Stage Crew is also expected to be there after school today.
If you signed up for Stage Crew and cannot make it today, please see Mr. Japlon
in the 7 White Team Center.
The Math Club is meeting today at North.
Science Club meeting scheduled for next week, December 6th has been
RESCHEDULED for December 13th.
What makes a hero? How can
we be heroes in everyday life?Welles Crowther, 24 years old, was working on the 104th floor of the World Trade Center South Tower on 9-11. Welles always carried a red bandana in his pants pocket. Because of this, he became known as “The Man in the Red Bandana,” who saved many lives on September 11th. Welles was an everyday hero. He made a choice that day to help others. We, too, can make choices each day to treat others well, help when we can, and make a difference. Stop by the library November 26th though December 21st to help spread the Red Bandana message throughout our middle school campus.
Keep bringing in Pop Top Tabs
for Ronald McDonald House Charities. Place your Pop Top Tabs in the boxes in
the cafeteria or bring them to Ms. Beyer in 6Blue. Our donations will help
Ronald McDonald House, a home away from home for families of children receiving
treatment from a nearby hospital.