Students, if you are interested in being on the library advisory board see or email Mrs. Fedor in the library for more information. There is going to be a quick meeting on Friday before school from 8:00 – 8:20am.
Keep bringing in Pop
Top Tabs for Ronald McDonald House Charities. Place your Pop Top Tabs in the
boxes in the cafeteria or bring them to Ms. Beyer in 6Blue. Our donations will
help Ronald McDonald House, a home away from home for families of children
receiving treatment from a nearby hospital.
The library trivia question of the week winner from the
week before break is Lila Mittman.
Congratulations Lila! You can
pick up your prize in the library.
A new opportunity for students from both GMSSouth and GMSNorth, "The Fellowship for Christian Adolescents Club", is meeting before school this Thursday, November 28th at 7:30am in Ms. Beyer's room in the 6 Blue Team Center. We would love to have you join us for donuts and fellowship. See you Thursday!
What makes a
hero? How can we be heroes in everyday life?
Welles Crowther, 24 years old, was working on the 104th floor of the World Trade Center South Tower on 9-11. Welles always carried a red bandana in his pants pocket. Because of this, he became known as “The Man in the Red Bandana,” who saved many lives on September 11th. Welles was an everyday hero. He made a choice that day to help others. We, too, can make choices each day to treat others well, help when we can, and make a difference. Stop by the library November 26th though December 21st to help spread the Red Bandana message throughout our middle school campus.
The Math Club meeting has been rescheduled
for this Thursday, November 29th at North.
Writing Club don’t forget you have a meeting today after school at the GMSNorth Library.
The Science Club meeting scheduled for next
week, December 6th has been RESCHEDULED for December 13th.