Geneva School District 304 News Article



Don’t forget that all library books and fines are due May 28th. And there’s good news – if you stop in the library this week you can get details on how to earn a fine forgiveness dollar.  Remember, if you don’t pay your fines, you won’t get your yearbook, so get that taken care of! 


GMSS, staff and students! If each of us donate just $3, we will reach our goal to build a home. Thank you to those of you who have already donated! This time of year, it's hard to try to remember one more thing when summer is right around the corner. But it's not every week that you get the chance to actually buy a home. And for an entire family in need! Consider the joy of providing a warm, dry home for parents, kids, and even a grandparent to sleep in every night. It's these things, we easily take for granted. Don't forget- if your team gives the most, you also get to enjoy free time with friends, games, and a summer treat outside. Currently, 6-Blue is in the lead with $132 & 6-White is in a close second with $85! 7th & 8th grade, where ya at? There’s still PLENTY of time, so find some loose change at home and ask your family members if they want to give you a donation – every little bit counts!


Attention all 8th graders!  This Friday is the Student vs. Faculty basketball game and any 8th grader can play!  You can sign-up and grab a permission slip in the main office.


Yesterday was the Viking Gamer Intramural Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament! The following students placed in the top 3 out of the entire Intramural...

1. Jared Walter (7th Grader)

2. Bryceon Lohr (7th Grader)

3. Jeremy Rokos (6th Grader)


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