Geneva School District 304 News Article



The Video Gaming intramural is coming up and will be meeting on Tuesdays beginning April 16th.  The cost is $20 per person. Permission slips are due Friday and are available in the main office.


Did you lose your sweatshirt or maybe a lunch box or something else? A large collection of lost and found is on display in the cafeteria. So be sure to take a look during your lunch period.  Also, be sure to check out the items on display in the window of the main office.  The main office lost and found has smaller and sometimes more valuable found items.  Right now we have a couple of nice watches, a bunch of rings, a calculator and two, a wireless mouse and not one but, TWO retainers!!!



Leo’s Club is meeting today after school.

Wired Crew is meeting on Thursday and Alliance Club will meet again on Friday.


Teachers, just a reminder to put your attendance this morning on a team center table BEFORE you start testing.

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