Auditions for the 7th & 8th grade musical Annie are this week today and Thursday. You only need to sign up for one day of the auditions and it’s not too late to do so! Please sign up in the main office for an audition day and pick up the audition packet. Please see Ms. Krahulec in 7 Blue with any questions!
6th Graders – this week Friday is another Jivin’ Geneva after school for 6th grade! Don’t miss it!
Student Council – there is no meeting this week! Please check the bulletin board in the
cafeteria for the next meeting date.
This Thursday at 7:30 AM, the Fellowship for Christian Adolescents group will be meeting at GMS North in Mrs. Snodgrass’ room in the 7B team center. Please join us for
fellowship and donuts. See you Thursday!
Science Club is meeting this Thursday in Mr. Duber’s classroom 154 at GMSS, 3:30-4:25. This will be the first of three meetings on the Bionic Arm Challenge.
Wired Crew is also meeting on Thursday and Alliance
Club will meet on Friday.