Leo’s Club is accepting donations of old eyeglasses, hearing aids, cell phones, and small ink cartridges. You can drop these items off anytime in the recycling box in the main office.
Attention 6th grade students! Today is your last chance to try-out for this year's 6th grade play! Audition sign-ups and materials are still available in the main office and in the 6Blue team center. Head to the cafeteria after-school for auditions. Auditions will be held from 3:30-4:30 pm today. Did you audition yesterday? The cast list will be posted Friday morning on the front door of the school. Check your emails on Friday for more information about rehearsals next week.
Virtual Chess Club’s next meeting has changed to tomorrow, April 9th, after school at 4:15. Please join us for 3 matches of chess against a fellow GMS student! All our welcome! Use the chess club link to join!
Want to tie-dye a t-shirt using fun colors and designs? Be sure to grab a permission slip for the tie-dye intramural on Tuesday, April 13th, from 3:25-4:25. The cost is $10/person, and the slips are due by tomorrow, April 9th. See Ms. Dagres with any questions!
Virtual Viking Alliance will meet after school today from 4:00-4:45. If you have any questions see Mrs. Rolf!
Virtual Math Club will meet after school today at 4, online. Email Mrs. Gain if you have any questions!
PE will be inside today, so please head to the gym for your class!