Leo’s Club is accepting donations of old eyeglasses, hearing aids, cell phones, and small ink cartridges. You can drop these items off anytime in the recycling box in the main office.
Virtual Chess Club’s will meet today after school at 4:15. Please join us for 3 matches of chess against a fellow GMS student! All our welcome! Use the chess club link to join!
Congratulations to the cast of the 6th grade play for The Most Viewed Least Watched Talk Show in History. The cast list was emailed to you and posted at the front of the school and in the 6Blue team center. Plan on attending rehearsal on Monday, April 12th from 3:30-4:30 pm in the cafeteria. You will be reading through the entire show. Have a ride to pick you up or take the activity bus home at 4:30 pm. Please see Mrs. Surjan in 8Blue or Ms. Poppen in 6Blue if you have any questions or concerns.