Last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle winners are Marissa DeYoung, Madison Pentz, Brady McMillen, and Becket Tucker. The staff winners are Mrs. Spring, Mrs. Behrens, and Ms. Dagres. Congratulations! Be sure to stop in the library to pick up your prize!
Attention 6th grade students! Interested in getting involved at GMSS? Love acting and theatre? Let us know if you would be interested in participating in the 6th grade play during April and May. There is a survey located within the GMSS Students Team. Simply click on your team, either 6White or 6Blue, and it will lead you to a brief survey. Mr. Bleau also emailed you with a link to the survey. Questions? Please see Ms. Poppen in 6Blue or Mrs. Surjan in 8Blue. Can't wait to see you at try-outs this Spring!
Leo’s Club is accepting donations of old eyeglasses, hearing aids, cell phones, and small ink cartridges. You can drop these items off anytime in the recycling box in the main office.
Virtual Science Club will meet again this Thursday, March 11th, from 4:00-4:45. This week you will be Using the Simple Electric Motor. Be sure to pick up your kit outside the main office that you will need for this experiment. If you have any questions, see Mr. Duber in the 7W team center!