Last week’s Library Wheel of Fortune Puzzle winners are Olivia Schreiber, Mack Biesk and Valerie McDonald. Teacher winners are Mrs. Hardt and Ms. Dagres. Congratulations and head to the library to pick up your prize!
Viking Alliance Club will have its first Virtual meeting Thursday, November 5th from 4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. A link to join the meeting will be sent out to students on Monday. Please contact Mrs. Rolf in the guidance office with any questions.
Art Club is meeting is today after school – be sure to have a ride arranged or take the activity bus home.
Chess club will be meeting virtually this Thursday, November 5th from 4:15-5:15. Join the Chess Club link in the after-school club page this Thursday at 4:15! Our goal is to play 3 matches! Email Miss Swiderski for more information.
Math Club meets this Thursday online at 4 pm. Grab a snack, get comfy at home and go the GMSN/GMSS student page to find the join code for math club and join the Teams page for the online link to the meeting. We'll play some fun games and explore some interesting math topics. See you Thursday at 4!
The Scholastic Online Book Fair is happening now and will run through Sunday, November 15th. Order the books you want online, and they will be delivered directly to you in the mail. Check your emails or the South website for more information. ??
Have leftover candy that you want to put to good use? Donate it here at school for Operation Gratitude, an organization that helps deployed troops and first responders. Candy collection boxes will be in 6W and the library. All candy needs to be in by this Friday. See Mrs. Brady with any questions.
Student Council will be meeting a week from today, Monday, November 9th at 8:00am in Ms. Mack’s sewing room.
The GHS Leo’s Club is excited to include the GMS Leo’s into the Blue Star Mothers Care Package Collection Drive for Deployed Troops project. In this project, we will be collecting items that deployed troops miss from home.