Last Week’s Wheel of Fortune Winners are Jin Long, Arianna Heckman, Alexandro Sida, Isabella Sida, and Maissy Littlefield. The staff winners are Mrs. McCool and Mrs. Oros. Congratulations winners! Don’t forget to stop in the library for your prize!
Viking Alliance will meet again Thursday, January 21, with Mrs. Rolf, online, from 4:00-4:45pm.
Math club meets virtually this Thursday, January 21, after school at 4. Go to GMSN/GMSS Teams page to get the code to join the meeting or email Mrs. Gain and she can help you out. We'll be playing math bingo - come join the fun!
Science Club’s next meeting will be held on Thursday, January 28th, online, from 4:00-4:45. We will be looking at a Simple Electric Motor. Be sure to pick up your kit outside the main office that you will need for this experiment. If you have any questions, reach out to Mr. Duber.