Last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle winners are Maya Sabo, Phoebe Law, Paige Jennings, Isabella Sida, and Emily Kelly. The staff winners are Mrs. Behrens and Mrs. Spring. Congratulations! Stop in the library to pick up your prize!
Last week’s Valentine’s Candy Guessing Contest winner is Gianna Conforti. Congrats! Stop in the library to pick up your prize!
Leo's Club will meet today from 3:25-4:25 PM. You will meet in Ms. Beyer’s room, Room 223, in the 6B team center. See Ms. Beyer if you have any questions!
We have 2 new and exciting intramurals coming up!
First, will be Snack Attack with Miss Mack on Monday, March 8th, and Wednesday, March 10th. If you like cooking and eating some delectable food, this is for you! Permission slips are in the main office and the cost is $10 a person. Be sure to return your permission slip and money by March 5th. Space is limited, so be sure to turn them in as soon as you can.
Second, will be Color Me Mine at GMSS on Monday, March 15th! You will be able to chose to paint a mug, bowl, or plate and learn some new design techniques! Permission slips are in the main office and the cost will be $25 a person. Be sure to turn them in by March 5th.