Our last Fellowship for Christian Adolescents (FCA) meeting is next Tuesday, May 18 at 7:45am at South in the upstairs computer lab. Please join us for fun, fellowship, and donuts. We hope to see you there!
Check your locker, backpack, and under your bed. Library books and/ or replacement costs are due in the library by May 25. Fines will be waived once the books are returned. See Mrs. Fedor if you have any questions.
Attention to the boys’ volleyball team, practice has been cancelled for after school today. Please have arrangements for a ride after school.
It was Thursday Night Lights last evening as the Boys Track Team continued their undefeated season. Brandon Schmidt kicked things off with an impressive victory in the hurdles. Holden Schmedes, Gavin Wise, Will Anthony, and Nathan Weinberger flexed their muscles in the throws as Schmedes, Wise, and Anthony went 1-2-3. Finally, Noah Martin capped things off for 8th grade with a gutty win in the 800.
On the 7th grade side of things, it was Ben Murphy to Cole Steben to Nathan Leake to Harrison Tincher for the 4 by 100 meters as the boys cruised to a 54.8 second victory; just two seconds shy of record. Mack Biesk had a great performance in the 100 meter dash. And finally, Ryan Kelly held off on the post-game celebration this time but is promising something big for next week's finale.