GMSS Leo's Club members please join the Geneva Lion's Club and GHS Leo's Club members here at South today, from 3:25-4:25, for our BIG eyeglass sorting event. ALL hands-on deck and pizza will be served.
Attention all 6th,7th, and 8th grade boys. Competitive boys’ volleyball intramural begins on Monday, May 3. This is a great opportunity to get active, learn or continue to develop athletic and team building skills, and compete in games. If you would like to participate, you need to have a parent register you on the 8to18 athletic website and have a current physical on file in the main office. See the main office or Miss Mack if you have questions.
Virtual Science Club will meet again tomorrow, April 29th, from 4:00-4:45. This week’s topic is Cartesian Divers. Make sure to pick up your experiment kit outside the main office! If you have any questions reach out to Mr. Duber.
Chess club will be cancelled for tomorrow, April 29.