Mr. Japlon would like to thank all cast and crew of the first ever Virtual Variety Show. It will soon be available for everyone to watch on the school website. Special thanks go out to Mr. Rhea for his technical and audio expertise!
Leo’s Club’s next meeting is Thursday, November 19th, after school in Ms. Beyer’s classroom 223 from 3:25 – 4:25.
The next virtual meeting of the Viking Alliance club is Thursday, November 19 from 4:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Math Club meets online this Thursday at 4. Get comfortable at home and join us for some math battleship as we sink ships with lines. Go to the GMSN/GMSS student Teams page to find the join code for Math Club and the link to the meeting.
The bookmobile will be in the cafeteria today during all lunch periods for renewals, returns, and quick picks.