The next VIRTUAL GMS SCIENCE CLUB meeting is tomorrow, at 4:00PM on the Science Club Teams Meeting Channel. We'll be trying the DROP ZONE CHALLENGE, a parachute engineering challenge. Check the GMS SCIENCE CLUB TEAM for instructions on getting your DROP ZONE CHALLENGE kit that you'll need for the meeting. You can join the GMS SCIENCE CLUB anytime, just use the join code located in the GMSS Student Team in General Posts. The join code can also be found on posters around school.
Hey, check out the link Mrs. Fedor sent to do a walk-through of the library's virtual Scholastic Online book fair. For every $5 you spend you get a raffle ticket for some cool prizes.
Also, the bookmobile will be in the cafeteria today during all lunch periods for renewals, returns, and quick picks.
Variety Show cast, there is a rehearsal today!
FCA is going to meet again on the 17th right here at South, in Ms. Beyer’s classroom from 7:30 – 8:15 AM
Leo’s Club’s next meeting is Wednesday, November 18th, after school in Ms. Beyer’s classroom 223 from 3:25 – 4:25.