Last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle winners are Paige Jennings, Landon Fanale, Margaret Wall, Marin Patterson, and Maddie Prosser. Staff winners include Mrs. Sweeney, Mr. Sempsrott, and Ms. Hawks. Congratulations! Stop in the library to claim your prize!
Be sure to come to the Science Club meeting after school tomorrow, February 1st, at North in Mrs. Benjamins room 121 until 4:20. Join us as we examine some mystery minerals. Its gonna rock!
Art club will have its first meeting today. Please come to the 2d art room, room 268, after school.
Chess club will meet this Thursday after school in the library! Email Miss Swiderski if you have any questions!
Attention all 8th graders, Geneva High School course selection forms and override forms are due tomorrow. Late forms are not accepted. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Rolf in the guidance office.