Tomorrow, we are saying Bye-Bye-Bye to Homecoming spirit week by dressing for the 2000’s. Thanks to all who participated and showed their Geneva spirit!
Viking Gaming Club will have their next 6th grade meeting tomorrow after school from 3:30-5:20. Remember to follow sign in instructions and have your ride home planned ahead of time.
The first Viking Alliance meeting is today afterschool in the Reading Lounge. If you have any questions, you can contact Mrs. Rolf in the guidance office.
Social Studies Club’s first meeting will Monday, October 4, after school until 4:25. Bring some friends and find out what Social Studies Club is all about! Meet in Mr. Fader’s room, which is in the 8W team center. All are welcome!
Chess club will meet next Thursday, October 7th, after school in the GMS South’s library. Come get your chess on! All students need a ride by 4:30 or should take the activity bus! Email Miss Swiderski in teams for more information.
The winners of the Dunkin Donuts gift cards from Wednesday’s Banned Book Bingo in the library are Zoe Hogan and Bea Millard. Stop by the library to collect your prize!
7th and 8th Graders! Are you interested in Cheerleading? There will be an informational meeting Wednesday, October 6th in the GMSS Fitness Center. All those who are interested in trying out should plan to attend and be sure to sign-up in the main office. Tryouts will take place October 12th, 13th, and 14th. All participants need to be signed up in the main office and have a physical on file before tryouts! Please, see Ms. Finch if you have any questions!