Last week’s Wheel of Fortune Puzzle winners are Peyton Weiss, Indie Ogden, Zach Deering, Marco Van Rensburg, and Parsa Manafi. Staff winners are Mrs. Tomczak, Mrs. Spring, and Mr. Sempsrott. Congratulations! Stop by the library to claim your prize!
Just a reminder that Creative Writing Club will meet again tomorrow after school. Meet in North’s down lab after school. Contact Ms. Riley with any questions.
Drug Free Looks Like Me! Red Ribbon spirit week continues! Tomorrow will be Disney day! Wednesday is going to be comfy with pajama day!
Candy grams can be purchased all week long in the library in the morning! They will be $.50/1 or $2.00/5. You can stop by the library in the morning to purchase! The treats will be passed out Friday, October 29.
We will be collecting canned goods and nonperishable items for the Shepherds Heart Food Pantry food-drive! Help us reach our goal of 3,000 items! The team with the most donations will win a prize! Teachers, don’t forget to email Ms. Beyer your numbers!
Halloween movie night will be Friday, October 29. Come to the cafeteria after school to watch the new Disney movie, Cruella! It is free to come but you can bring some money if you would like to purchase snacks during the film. Be sure to have a ride ready afterward or take the 5:20 activity bus home!
Epic Air Intramural will be Thursday, November 11th! Meet in the guidance office at 3:30 to be bused from GMSS. You will need to be picked up from Epic Air at 6:20. Cost is $15.00 and includes 2 hours of activity and socks. Space is limited so be sure to get your permission slips in early! You can pick one up in the main office.
Picture Re-take day is this Thursday, October 28 during lunches. If you are a new student, missed last picture day, or want to re-take your photo head to the green room during your lunch time.
All 6th Grade Choir members should report to the choir room today immediately after school for our dress rehearsal. Please bring all your things when you come down. Rehearsal will run from 3:30 - 5:00. Please have your ride here to pick you up promptly at 5 PM.
Variety Show auditions take place today, tomorrow, and Thursday after school in the cafeteria. If you forgot, you can still sign up in the Main Office or just show up after school. See Mr. Japlon in 7 White if you have any questions.
Attention all Gamers! Mark your calendars because Viking Gamer Club's next 7th and 8th grade meeting will take place this Friday from 3:30-5:20.