Chess club will meet this Thursday, October 7th, after school in the GMS South’s library. Come get your chess on! All students need a ride by 4:30 or should take the activity bus! Email Miss Swiderski in teams for more information.
The first science club meeting is afterschool today! You will be tasked with launching H.D. safely to the ball. The meeting is after school at South in room 221 and goes until 4:20. No need to sign up, just show up. It will be a blast!
Math club starts this Thursday after school at North in Mrs. Gain's room - room 122 until 4:20. Join us for a fun game of math basketball. Can you score an 8-pointer? Come and see if you can!
Student Council and Leo's Club are having a joint meeting, next Tuesday, October 12th before school at 8:00am or after school at 3:30pm. Please come help plan events and activities for Red Ribbon Week! Both meetings will be held in the Sewing Room #106, come to whichever time is convenient for you
Our next Fellowship for Christian Adolescents meeting is this Friday, October 8th at 7:45am in the downstairs Collaborative Learning Space at South. We hope you will join us for fun, fellowship, and donuts.
Join us for Geneva Middle School South’s 1st Annual Turkey Trot! This will be held on November 13th, from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM. Cost is $20 a person and will include a t-shirt and free treats throughout the walk! Proceeds will provide Thanksgiving dinners to families at Lazarus House in St. Charles. Registration forms are in the office and are due by Thursday, October 28. Please see Ms. Dagres with any questions.
7th and 8th Graders! Are you interested in Cheerleading? There will be an informational meeting tomorrow, October 6th, in the GMSS Fitness Center. All those who are interested in trying out should plan to attend and be sure to sign-up in the main office. Tryouts will take place October 12th, 13th, and 14th. All participants need to be signed up in the main office and have a physical on file before tryouts! Please, see Ms. Finch if you have any questions!
Students, winter athletics are beginning soon! Tryouts for 7th/8th grade boys’ basketball and 7th/8th grade cheerleading begin October 12 after school. Wrestling practice begins October 18. Ask a parent to register you online on the athletic website! Go Vikings!
The cross-country team closed out the season in outstanding fashion as both the boys and girls won the team races. For the girls Gretchen Drexler, Ellie Capo, and Jazmine Reddick ran great races. On the boys side, Nick Easter closed out his 8th grade career in dramatic fashion with a second place finish. Brady Kling and Will Rock both closed the year with terrific races. Congratulations to all the members of the team and a special shout out to all the 8th graders on tremendous middle school careers. Coach Krahulec, Coach Sharko, and Coach Ellibee are very proud of everyone!
The Geneva Middle School Viking varsity football team hosted the Foxes of Yorkville last night in its final game of the 2021 season. After falling behind early, Fynn Caston and Noah Hallihan came up with drive-ending interceptions. Harrison Tincher led the Viking offense with over 150 yards on the ground along with two touchdowns and Eli Reed contributed another rushing touchdown in the closing minutes of the game, but wasn't enough as the Vikings fell to the Foxes.