Don’t forget to turn in your Epic Air Intramural permission slips! Meet in the guidance office on Thursday, November 11th, at 3:30 to be bussed to Epic Air. You will need to be picked up from Epic Air at 6:20. Cost is $15.00 and includes 2 hours of activity and socks.
Viking Gamer Club for 6th grade will be meet after school from 3:30-5:20. All Gaming Club Members can also pick up a t-shirt order form from Mr. Rhea or the front office. T-shirt order forms are due by Friday, November 12th to the Main Office.
Breakfast and Bingo will be back on Tuesday, November 9th. Join Student Council at 7:50 in the morning for some fun and food. Breakfast will be provided and is free to all who come and play. We will be in the cafeteria on Tuesday from 7:50 - 8:30. Come win some awesome prizes!!
Cheerleading practice has been canceled for today.
Music students today is a choir day!